Wednesday, June 9, 2010

New Beginnings

The realization that I am unable to keep up with this blog is shameful. I have not been a loyal blogger. In my defense, once again, I find myself exhausted and spent. And quite frankly, the last thing I want to do, on any given day, is to sit behind the computer, again, to write. At the same time, I know that I do have friends and family that like to keep up with us. I desperately want to find new meaning to my blogging and it has come in the way of inspiration from a dear friend. Her blog is eloquent. I hear her speak when I read her words. I miss her less when I read her blog. She is the inspiration for my new found appreciation for blogging and the content it will hold. She makes me feel normal when I read her words. I feel like I am a part of her family. I admire and appreciate the subtleties of her vulnerability as she shares her thoughts, wishes and dreams....a piece of her and her family. Thank you Tanya!!! is to new beginnings. A blog about me, my family and life.

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