Sunday, November 11, 2007

M's First Surgery

Marissa had her ear tubes put in on Friday morning. She did well. It took all of 10 minutes. They told us that it would take a better part of the day for her to return to normal from the anesthesia, but M, as usually, proved that wrong, being her old self before we got home. She had a full breakfast and was running around the house within an hour of us being home. We will have a follow up appointment before Thanksgiving. Many thanks to all of you for your well wishes and prayers!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


As you can tell, Marissa was Cookie Monster for Halloween. She loved being dresssed up. Kinda suprising, actually! Even though it was rainy, wet and cold (what halloween isn'), we went trick or treating at a few houses on our street. She wasn't too afraid of going up to doors, and even said "tank you" as we left. Then we went back to our house and handed out candy. She loved seeing all the kids and loved eating the candy even more.