Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A new century...a new entry

Once again, I find myself amazed and disappointed that I have left so much time between posts. At most...I find it difficult to keep up with our blog, but the thought of abandoning it is not really an option either. So I will continue with my ill attempts to keep our blog up to date...even if it is once a year.

Marissa is 3 1/2 years old and looking forward to her 4th birthday. She amazes us everyday with her wit and humor. She is sensitive and smart, sassy and sweet. She is in constant movement and talks just as much. She attends 3 year old preschool 2 times a week at Rockford Christian and loves every minute of it. She fills much of her day playing with balls, dolls, and puzzles. She loves to do crafts and cook. She loves to dance and run. In short...she is momma and daddy's little bundle of energy. (We are still in search of how to bottle it up. We would be rich and could retire early...we need the sleep!)

We are a truly blessed family and never, for one moment, take for granted all that God has given to us. We have accepted His gifts graciously and continue to learn to accept His will with the same grace. With that...here's to a happy and healthy 2010. Stay tuned....I have a lot of photos to share with you!