Thursday, June 7, 2007

Welcome to our blog

Greetings! I decided that it was time to fully immerse myself into the 21st century and utilize all that technology has to offer. And, perhaps, I will update the blog more often. (I know we are not very good at sending updates and pictures of Marissa.) Okay, enough about me. ..

Marissa is closing in on 14 months. She talks all the time and runs all over. She is a very busy girl, smart too. Perhaps, a little too smart. She loves the dog and the cat. She loves bubbles, balls, and watching daddy mow the lawn (she practically jumps out of her skin in excitement). She is also cutting the bottom 2 molars (lucky for us). I will update M's blog again soon. Hopefully with new pictures too! Hope you are having a great spring. We love and miss you all.