Thursday, April 23, 2009

Who let the monkeys out?

Cake #2

Cake #1.  M asked for a "big, huge monkey cake".  And that is what she got!

Just monkeying around!

"Happy Birthday dear Marissa..."

A little R&R with Cousin Catalina

What a beautiful day!  Mid 70's, sunny and warm!  Thank you to all of you who made Marissa's birthday and her party so much fun and special.  We had a great time and hope you did too.  We missed those of you who couldn't come, but know your thoughts were with us.  Enjoy the pictures!


Beth said...

Girlfriend, you go for months (sometimes almost a year) not blogging. Now we get 3 in a row! Marisssa is such a beautiful little girl... And looks to be a handful! Miss ya and love ya!

Nicole Wickstrom said...

You did a great job and we had a great time celebrating Ms. M's birthday!